Walking Tour – From Pimp Hall to Ale House Field (Chingford)

Walking Tour – From Pimp Hall to Ale House Field (Chingford)

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Joanna Moncrieff, Footprints of London

Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/joanna-moncrieff-footprints-of-london-6750753789

Chingford Railway Station

Station Road, London, E4 6AL

London, GB, E4 6AL

A walk exploring Chingford’s history from forest village to London suburb including a visit to Pimp Hall Dovecote.

This walk includes a visit to the Pimp Hall Dovecote.

This walk coincides with the first day of the North Chingford Art Trail.

In 1897 the Medical Officer of Health reported that Chingford was ‘cut off, as it were, to a great extent from the rest of the world’. It is obviously not cut off now but it has a very different history to its near neighbour Walthamstow less than 4 miles away.

Epping Forest has played an important part in the history of Chingford and on this walk which uses old maps we will see how the area has evolved but in other cases see what remains from times gone past.

Hidden away between the allotments and the local tip can be found a dovecote which dates from at least the 17th century and is all that remains of Pimp Hall one of Chingford’s long lost manor houses.

Our stop at the dovecote will be enough time to have a look around the inside of the building and have some tea/coffee and a loo stop.

The diverse range of characters who have made their mark on Chingford include T E Lawrence, Ivor Novello, Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and the creator of the FA Cup*.

This guided walk led by qualified tour guide and long time local resident Joanna Moncrieff includes traversing a series of footpaths which once skirted field boundaries and were a well trodden route going back hundreds of years.

The walk finishes at a 19th Century refreshment retreat on the edge of Epping Forest but only a 10 minute downhill walk back to the station.

* Watch a 20 minute recording of a talk I gave to Chingford Historical Society about Charles William Alcock. My talk starts at about 2 minutes, 20 seconds in.

This walk is approximately 2 miles long and will include some walking on forest paths which may be muddy so please wear appropriate shoes.

The meeting place is outside the station, there is only one exit. As you exit the ticket hall turn right and you will see me standing between a black and white building and the steps that go down to the bus station.

Getting there

London Overground trains run from Liverpool Street (25 minutes) via Walthamstow (10 minutes) every 15 minutes * on what will soon be known as The Weaver Line. Chingford is in Zone 5. It is also on numerous bus routes: 97, 179, 212, 313, 379, 385, 397 and 444 https://tfl.gov.uk/

Some of the lovely comments I have received after doing my virtual version of this walk.

“Really interesting and informative talk Joanna – thank you”

“That was really good Jo, thanks. Very well researched and great use of maps.”

“Thanks v much, Joanna! That was a BRILLIANT tour – both places I knew and places new to me!”

“A thoroughly enjoyable talk – very informative. Thank you very much”

“Many thanks Joanna – a very enjoyable & informative talk! Wonderful images too!”

“We live in Chingford and it was fascinating to learn something new about here.”

“Hi Jo, very interesting walk!!”

“Thank you very much, really enjoyed it.”

“Thank you very much Joanna – very informative:)”

And from one of my sisters “Thank you Joanna, I really enjoyed it! I am amazed by your knowledge.”

All walks can be offered as private tours and both as virtual and real life tours. Please get in touch via the contact button if that is of interest.

All Joanna’s upcoming walks can be found here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/joanna-moncrieff-footprints-of-london-6750753789

Tours of Waltham Forest Town Hall Joanna is currently leading tours of the town hall on the third Saturday of every month up to November 2024. This is in conjunction with the London Borough of Waltham Forest. More details and booking here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/waltham-forest-town-hall-guided-tour-tickets-931951220187

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