Walking Tour: The Garretts’ of Gower Street – a Bloomsbury walk

Walking Tour: The Garretts’ of Gower Street – a Bloomsbury walk

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Goodge Street Station

75 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1P 9PA

London, GB, W1P 9PA

Doctor, decorator, prisoner, politician, militant suffragette and mathematical genius. Join Sue in Bloomsbury to explore the life and legacy

Doctor, decorator, prisoner, politician, militant suffragette and mathematical genius. Join Sue in Bloomsbury to explore the life and legacy of the extraordinary women of the Garrett family.

Millicent led the non-violent suffragists, Elizabeth was the first woman to qualify in England as a doctor, Louisa ran a military hospital in WW1, Agnes and Rhoda established a top interior design company, Fanny was a landscape gardener, Philippa a brilliant mathematician and Amy set up a progressive school.

See the places they lived and worked and the legacy they left behind.

 Meet Goodge Street Station and finish close to Euston

You can check travel options at the Transport for London Journey Planner

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