Our Top Ten Windows in London
Our Top Ten Windows in London
13 June 2015 Comments Off on Our Top Ten Windows in LondonThe Footprints of London guides love to point out windows on our walks – some for looking through, some for looking at, sme that are not even real windows – here are ten of our favourite London windows
1 The East Window in St Martin’s in the Fields
Stephen Benton’s choice is “The East Window at St Martin in the Fields. This dates from 2008. It was designed by Shirazeh Houshiary and Pip Horne and was part of a major refurbishment of the church. It is so modern and yet fits perfectly in an 18th century church, where stained glass would not.”
2 World War One and Two Memorial Window, Lloyd’s Building

Viv Schrager-Powell chose “Hugh Easton’s WWI and WWII memorial window inside the Lloyd’s building, Lime Street. The detail is so precise and the colours are rich and stunningly vibrant.”
3 Houghton Window in Ely Place
Dave Brown chose the Houghton window in Ely Place “It’s a very large window, full of brilliant colour, and really outstanding in terms of design and function.
Jill Finch chose this window at the Museum of London because of its special view “Look through any window … and it may just be a view back in time. When walking around the Museum of London and heading for the Mithras exhibits in the Roman section, take a look out of the window on your right. It’s a great view of a section of the fort, part of the old City wall. You look down on it from the Highwalk just outside the Museum but this is such a good view.”
5 One New Change
Neil Sinclair chose the reflection in the windows at One New Change “Cathedrals are traditionally places for worship, redemption, repentance and reflection. And nowhere in London is there a better reflection of Christopher Wren’s masterpiece St Paul’s Cathedral than in the windows of One New Change. The great dome of St Paul’s is seen in triptych through the prism of the huge plate glass windows of architect Jean Nouvel’s shopping mall on the corner of New Change and Cheapside. Like St Paul’s, the shops at One New Change are open on Sundays, a condition imposed on the mall’s commercial tenants by the City of London Corporation, The Corporation views One New Change as central to its plans to reinvigorate commercial life in the City at weekends.
6 St Mary Le Bow
Jill Finch nominated the windows of St Mary Le Bow One of my favourite windows in the City of London is actually three windows, at the east end of the Church of St Mary le Bow on Cheapside. For me they embody a love of the City and its churches – and its history – which I enthusiastically share. Wren’s influence can still be seen in the church’s exterior but many purists bemoan the inside and in particular that we now have stained glass where Wren would have used clear glass. Now I’m a huge fan of Wren but there are times when we have to let go of our obsessions and accept that there were reasons he didn’t want stained glass in his churches which are not actually in play today. So, let’s enjoy some of the stained glass in our Wren churches – and in particular enjoy John Hayward’s beautiful work in St Mary le Bow.
Three pieces of Hayward’s work make up the East window of the church. I love them all but in particular am always mesmerised by the ‘Mary’ window (on the left as you face the east end).
Mary is centre stage. Her face is pained and protective as she cradles the church which is named for her as lovingly as she would her own child. All around are the churches of a pre-fire City, full of architectural detail.. Beneath her feet are the arches from which the church takes its suffix – le Bow – the court of Arches of the Archbishop of Canterbury. .
The central window shows Christ in Majesty surrounded by the 7 gifts of the holy spirit (wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord (wonder and awe) shown as balls of fire.
The third window on the right hand side shows St Paul – patron saint of the City – surrounded by the churches which survived WWII, with Wren’s Cathedral in the top right hand corner
The colours are stunning and unusual for stained glass. Lovely pastels mixed in with the strong colours and shapes that make John Hayward’s work so recognisable. The windows tell the story of the church and the church’s story mimics that of the City itself.
In 1080 a Norman church (possibly replacing a Saxon one) is built on a Roman street. It suffers during the reformation and is destroyed by the Great Fire. A new church, built by Christopher Wren, rises from the ashes. Bombed during WWII and rebuilt post war – St Mary le Bow, like the City, has continually reinvented itself.
John David Hayward (1929-2007) was a British stained glass artist who made nearly 200 windows in churches and cathedrals across Britain and abroad. His work in St Mary le Bow was his first major commission.
You can see more of his work in the City in St Michael Paternoster Royal. Elsewhere his windows are in Norwich Cathedral, various Norwich parish churches, Sherborne Abbey in Dorset or simply click below
A visit to St Mary le Bow church is part of Jill’s Wren and the City walk which should be on the Footprints Calendar in August or September this year
7 The Bow Window at Whites
9 The Sailors Homecoming Window
Jen Pedler chose a trompe l’oeil window from Smithfield. “One of my favourite London windows is a window that’s no longer a window but offers a glimpse of a scene that might once have occurred in the room behind it. The trompe l’oeil window in the narrow passage of Cloth Court, opposite St Bartholomew the Great, depicts a sailor returning to the loving arms of his family.
The window that was once here overlooked the residence of the architects John Seely (Lord Mottistone) and Paul Paget who lived opposite. They were irritated by the lack of privacy – “…the neighbours across the alleyway could see us carving the Sunday joint”, commented Paget – and after buying this neighbouring house they decided to have the window bricked up. But then they found it rather dreary to look out at a blank wall so commissioned Brian Thomas, the mural artist who designed the windows for the American Memorial Chapel in St Paul’s, to create them a more interesting outlook. In the 1950s they rented this flat to the poet John Betjeman – commemorated on a blue plaque adjacent to the window.
Definitely a curiosity to look out for next time you’re in the Smithfield area.”
10 The Painted Hall at the Old Royal Naval College Greenwich
Neil Sinclair loves “the view of the cupola/dome and clock tower on top of the Queen Mary block of the Old Royal Naval College as seen through the window over the entrance to the Painted Hall”
Let us know what your favourite London windows are. We will have ten more of the footprints of London team’s favourites next month.